Monday, March 29, 2010

Virtual World March 29, 2010

Today we learned how to use virtual world. This program is really cool. It took us a while to get the class into the program but once we were in we had a fun time exploring. This program is very engaging. You could use this in your classroom to have discussions that were more engaging. Your students would be able to move themselves around to the different areas of the program and discuss different things at each area. This would also be a good program to use when learning about other countries and cultures. You could create the countries that you were talking about and add some things to demonstrate what is common in the culture of that country. The students could then visit those countries and learn a little bit about each one in an engaging way.
This program was frustrating at first but once we learned how to use it we really enjoyed it. I think that this is a great program that you could bring into your classroom to provide variety and to help your students be more engaged.

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